Introductory Information Series To Build Everyones Knowledge
Here are some common types of labor trafficking situations frequently reported to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline. While these examples don’t cover every scenario, they can help guide you in creating realistic and impactful stories.

"Migrants and Domestic Work"
Recruitment and Grooming
A diplomat entices someone from her home country with an offer to come to the United States and care for her children. They promise the worker a good wage and the opportunity for her to go to school here. The diplomat repeatedly tells the worker how lucky she is for the opportunity she would never get at home. If she returns home without having completed the job, she will be ashamed because so many people in her community are desperate for better opportunities.
Coercion Tactics
When she gets here, the worker is told she will sleep in a closet and is also responsible for keeping the house and yard, and making and serving all meals. Her passport is taken and she is told she can’t leave the house without permission. When she complains, the employer threatens her family in her home country and says she will call ICE and have the worker arrested for being here illegally.
Exit Plan
The worker sneaks a phone call to a community center for people from her country and gets help. The trafficker is never punished.
"Domestic Work in Marriage"
Recruitment and Grooming
A man from a conservative, patriarchal society promises a poor girl’s family he will marry and take care of her in the United States. She has been raised her whole life knowing she will have an arranged marriage.
Coercion and Control
Once here, the wife is forced to take care of the husband’s children from another relationship, keep the house, work in the family business, and not leave the house. She has no money and does not speak the language. Her husband tells her complaining will disgrace her family and ruin her sister’s chances of a good marriage.
Escape Plan
The wife befriends someone in her religious community – the one place she is allowed to socialize – and the friend helps her find a lawyer.
"Exploitation Through Addiction"
Recruitment and Grooming
A person struggling to stay clean from drugs joins a spiritual community that lives under the guidance of a charismatic leader.
Coercion and Control
The formerly addicted person is put to work making and selling crafts in abusive conditions for no pay. Those who complain are expelled from the community, which they have come to depend upon to maintain sobriety.
Escape Plan
The victim collapses from exhaustion and hospital staff recognize she needs help and connect her with services.
More examples here at:
Stay Tuned For Who To Contact, Next Monday.